Nutritional Support for Cancer Patients
Dr. Steve Chaney, Barbara Lagoni
Jo Coogan



The current rate of cancer diagnoses is 1 in every 3 women and 1 in every 2 men. Most of us know at least one close friend or family member who has had to deal with this menacing disease. We discuss the affect of chemotherapy on the body and how we can reduce some of the more destructive affects on the body with diet and supplements. Dr Chaney is a renowned cancer researcher with more than 95 published studies and he will explain which vitamins that are anti-oxidants could be discontinued the day before chemo therapy begins and which nutrients should be taken daily to support the body's immune system and diminish damage to vital organs from the drugs.

You will also hear from teacher Chris Kirchenberg, who is a 5-year survivor from Stage 3 Colon Cancer, and just celebrated her daughter's wedding. She will report which products helped her the most and the dietary shifts she made during her 6 months of chemo treatments.

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