Healthy Six PAK Learn and Earn up to $100 worth of Shaklee Products

Listen to audios and videos at this site.

For each 6 points you earn up to 24 you receive an e mail that will allow you to collect $25 worth of Shaklee product from Mir Valley Associates, L.C.  You can collect up to $100 worth of coupons and redeem them all at once or one at a time.  Limit is $100 of product for coupons per person.

Audio or Video that is 10 minutes or less = .1
15 to 30 minutes   = .2
30 to 45 minutes   = .5
45 minutes to 1 hr+ = 1

Fill out and submit the form below each presentation and you will be sent an e mail when you have earned a $25 coupon.

Must listen to The Talking Product Guide, The Shaklee Difference, Roots of Shaklee, Daniel Esty:Green to Gold, Womens Health in a World of Delicious and Dangerous Foods and The Shaklee Opportunity.  Explore K&E CD's, Health Talks, Videos, and Health Presentations - choose what interests you to make up your remaining points.





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Mir Valley Associates, L.C.

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